Wednesday, January 21, 2009

With Respect To President Obama

No, I didn’t vote for him. No, I don’t agree with any of the policies he proposed on the campaign trail. No, I don’t like his voting history. I feel that he is too far left for the majority of Americans. He has voted 4 times in Illinois to prevent citizens from having their 2nd Amendment right. He has voted on the wrong side of life. And we still haven’t seen the official birth certificate.

But, he is my President.

As my President, Mr. Obama deserves all the respect and honor that the American President is due. I can honestly say that I am proud that America has overcome a great hurdle and elected the first African-American President. I have high hopes for America and will be praying for my President, but I also have the God-given right to disagree with anything Mr. Obama says or does.

My disagreements with my President, which I’m assuming will be many, will be done respectfully. Respectfully disagreeing with the American President is unfortunately something that I have not seen in at least 8 years. I’ve been appalled by the national news media allowing people to call President Bush childish, ignorant and quite-frankly 3rd grade terms such as “idiot,” “stupid,” or “evil.” The number of “one cent” name-calling words that have been used in the last 8 years to insult President Bush on national television is probably uncountable and, in case some are still unaware, our enemies get CNN too.

Apparently “encouraging” the enemy by giving them a view of American citizens disgracing the American President and causing division with peace demonstrators vandalizing cars all aired on our national news networks is somehow not considered to be “aiding and abetting” the enemy. Aiding and abetting the enemy is considered treason. The Constitution Article III Section 3 states, “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.”

Does encouraging the enemy bring any sort of aid and/or comfort to them?

It did to our North Vietnamese enemies which they all too happily admitted after we withdrew from Vietnam. Our anti-war protesters kept up the enemy’s morale. We now know this to be a fact.

Did we not study history or do we no longer care that the people who want to kill us get a boost when they watch our national news?

Those convicted of treason used to be drawn and quartered or tarred and feathered, and gibbeted as a lesson. In more recent times the act of treason results in heavy fines and jail time. Apparently, from all of the examples of aiding and comforting the enemy I have seen in the last 8 years with the absence of convictions for such crimes, treason no longer gets much attention anymore. It is also apparent that the Logan Act is no longer punishable as evidenced by Jimmy Carter’s Hamas incident, President Obama’s pre-presidential talk with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari and Nancy Pelosi’s little vacation in Syria.

Despite the fact that our country no longer seems to hold such violations of law as punishable and despite the fact that our country apparently cannot outlaw crass, I’m sending a loud and clear message to all conservatives: Do NOT repeat the same classless disrespect to the President we did not vote for that our opposition has shown for the last 8 years.

Mr. Obama I pray that God blesses you, guides your Presidency and blesses America.

Disagreeing respectfully,

Dawn James

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